Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 366...The End

Day 366
One final, extra post since last year was a leap year!
Thank you so much to EVERYONE who took their time to look through my posts
and encouraged me to keep going!!!
I had an amazing year with this photography challenge!
It's really turned more into a photo diary/blog of my life for the last year.
Capturing the photos in this blog,
I used my camera, occasionally my cell phone camera, 
available light and/or my flash.
 Although I never had access to any other external lighting sources 
I did my best with what I had available to me.
Every shot I took, no matter how insignificant the subject matter may seem,
I did put thought into 
the lighting, composition, exposure 
I know, without a doubt, I learned A LOT this past year about photography!
I also learned I have sooo much to learn! 
It wasn't as easy as you might think.
There were sooo many days (and I blogged it)where I was scrambling 
at the last minute, before midnight, to find something to photograph!
Only once did I let a day go by without actually taking any photos...May 21st
 and nearly that entire day was spent editing photos I'd taken of a friend and her fiance'. 
So, in my book, I was still in the photography mode that day,
just didn't "shoot" a photo on that day! 
One other day, December 4th, I took photos but accidentally formatted my memory card
before I'd uploaded the photos to my computer...
that was a sad, frustrating day for me!
Honestly though, I'm really proud of myself that I completed this journey
and I did accomplish my original goal when I started.
Picking up my camera on a daily basis forced me to "think" photography and
I do feel I'm much more knowledgeable and a better photographer than when I began!
I'm still excited about photography and want to keep on learning!
At times this past year seemed a bit like a whirlwind,
as fleeting as wispy clouds in the sky, 
but I learned so much and must remember,
the sky's the limit!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day 365...I DID IT!!! :)

Day 365
What a fun way to spend my 365th day!
And what a gorgeous January day! Low 60's!!! 
A VERY quick, overnight trip to Branson (did a little shopping/sightseeing,) 
Copper Run Distillery (Moonshine Margaritas,) 
dinner at Lamberts (throwed rolls,)
and a stop at the good ole Bass Pro Shop in Springfield!
Fun day with some of the most awesome people I know!
Another happy day for me!
 Beautiful church on campus at the College of the Ozarks

 Mural of 1913 Branson depicted on a side alley in old downtown Branson
With a little modern day Branson looking down from above!

Love going into Dicks 5 & 10...could spend HOURS roaming through this place!

Me and my "besties" L to R Kathy, Denise, Me and Vickie
(camera set by me, shutter pressed by Mr. Bill Schaffer) ☺
 ♥ ♥ ♥

Well, I don't think you could call it a "hot tin roof" today...
but it was a beautiful, warm, 60ish degree day in the Ozarks! 
Certainly warm enough for me to enjoy my Shinerita out on the back deck at 
Copper Run Distillery! 
What a fun place, great atmosphere, and awesome music too!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 364(5)...Sunrise Over The "Hood"

Day 364
Well, today should've been my 365th post but...
You've heard that story already...(sigh) I'll sing!!!
♪..and now, the end is near...♪ ... lolol
A morning sunrise shot out the upstairs window 
of my computer/sewing/work room!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 363...My Space

Day 363
Wow, I can't believe I only have 3 more days!
Yeah, it's three, not two... I forgot all about last year being a leap year!!
Must not forget that one extra day! ;) lol
I'm a day behind in counting also, (and I know it's only important to me,)
but after somehow letting one silly day go by without taking a single photo,
(May 21, 2012 to be exact :/)
I was so determined (back then, not now lolol) to make up that one day sooo...
I'm a day behind.
Oh well, so much for my obsessive, technical day counting.
As I doesn't really matter at all, it's only important to me!
This photo is of my little room.
As you can see, my ever faithful assistant, Orange Cat, 
is sitting there, waiting on me to sit down 
before she settles down on her stool next to me.
I've spent so many hours here over the last year.
Sitting in that chair, as I am now, editing and blogging..
I'm so glad I took on this project and even happier it's nearly complete!
I'm honestly not sure what I'll do with myself! lol

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 362...I Felt The Need!

Day 362
I had the most awesome day today!
I was privileged to see my little peanut this afternoon!!!
Roxanna had her first sonogram and I was with her!
The little booger was moving like crazy! 
It was amazing to see that little life, literally no bigger than a peanut, moving around. 
We could even see it's little arms moving!!
So, that was the best part of my day!
After work I came home to a yummy dinner made by Mark and then.....
I felt the need for cookies.
That's it!
Had to have 'em!
And a few bites of cookie dough too!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 361...Do You See?

Day 361
Do you see what I see?
I'm weird that way, I suppose.
I always see shapes in things.
Like the wood grain on doors,
tile floors, clouds, shadows, anything really!
These are a couple of photos from my neighbors wood pile!
I'll tell you what I you see it too?!
 I see the letter g...I see the profile of a lions head...I see a boot!

In this one I see a hand, I see two hands (one on top of the other,) 
No, I actually see three hands!
I see sad eyes.
I see a witch, arm stretched out casting a spell! 

What do you think?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 360...Peace Pup!

Day 360
My sweet pup, Argus came to visit his PaPa and GiGi today!
Love my grand'pup'son!
Oh, btw, he didn't come alone...
His mom, Roxanna, brought him...
But I didn't get a photo of her....oops!
Grandbabies always get all the attention!
Even the canine ones!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 359...Thirsty Birdies

Day 359
It was waaaay too cold to leave the house today like I thought I would.
I'd planned on being out and about looking for photo opportunities 
but it was just sooo cold! Period!!!
These shots were taken through my kitchen window.
I can't wait for a really good opportunity 
to go out and use my new lens!

 My pretty boy Cardinal!
House Finch looking down at the feeder...waiting to swoop in for his turn!
 I think this one is my favorite...the simple beauty of a Robin and Sparrow...♥

 I was spotted by the House Finch...I swear he saw me inside the window!!!

 My Blue Jay posing..."suck the tummy in and keep the chin up!"
 American Goldfinch wearing his finest winter colors!
Even the Starling doesn't look too bad in his winter wear!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 358...Nightly Winter Routine

Day 358
It's time for bed and the humidifier must be filled...
I can't sleep without it in these dry, winter months!
Goodnight all!!!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 357...Holey Sky and Kitties!

Day 357
Friday night shopping and time to scramble!
For a photo....
These last couple of weeks have been tough.
Tough when it comes to finding a worthwhile photo for the day, that is.
I'm almost to the end of this 365 day journey...
 and it seems to be getting tougher!!!
My Friday night shot of the last bit of light shining through a hole in the clouds.
Took this shot from Aldi's parking lot!
 And once again, my beautiful kitty cats!
 and Orange Cat

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 356...Awww, Nuts!

Day 356
One of my favorite parts of Christmas is the memories 
from when I was a child of cracking and picking out the nuts! 
And oranges and apples in my stocking!
Why didn't I do that with my own children?
I'm sad I didn't.
I guess I just wanted to put something "fun" in their stockings.
I missed out of giving them the gift of that memory.
I haven't specifically had fruit or nuts for Christmas in years but
one of my clients gave me a gift basket full of them this year!!
Yummy! It really was an awesome gift.
A gift of memories!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 355...Turn Back Time

Day 355
If only we could turn back time.
Sometimes, I would love more than anything to do that.
Wouldn't we all, I suppose.
The pocket watch belonged to Marks Grandpa.
I've heard him say so many times how he wishes he could spend time with him again.
And the key chain?
It's the only thing Mark kept when he sold his '67 Chevelle several years ago.
I know he wishes he could turn back time for love, and a little fun too.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 354...Cirlcle Play Again!

Day 354
Took a few random photos around the kitchen with the intent to turn them into
They're really not so "amazing" but sure are fun!
 the microwave keypad!!!
 a tin container stamped with flowers!
a plaid lampshade!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 353...Shutterbug Magazine!

Day 353
I'd almost forgotten it was coming!
Thank you so much, Paul Haskins!
A few months ago a photo club friend of mine (Paul)
signed me up with one of his magazines renewal special offers  
that go out to subscribers...
What a fun, little surprise when it came in today's mail!
Thanks again, Paul!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 352...A Doggie, A Kitty & Birdies

Day 352
My cold's got the better of me today.
I didn't feel like leaving the house to find a photo op.
Of course, sometimes I don't leave the house 
even when I do feel good ... so there ya have
This is it! :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 351...Cold Winter's Sky

Day 351
I was going for a cold feel on this one.
I felt crummy and didn't leave the house today.
I took this shot out my kitchen window.  
I've been cold all day.
I have a cold.
The house felt cold.
It looks cold, too.
Christmas decorations are all down.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 350...Pizza Shoppe!

Day 350
Pizza Shoppe for dinner!
Their pizza is amazing but first comes their yummy salad 
with the "pink stuff" dressing!
My cell phone shot does NOT do it justice!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 349...My Momma's Birthday!

Day 349
Today is my Mom's 85th birthday!
Happy Birthday, Mom!
I love you very much!!!
 Opening her gift from me.

 Mom wanted a close up with all her necklaces..
She said, "it's my birthday! I'll wear them all!"

 She wanted Pineapple upside down cake! She got it! 
They are sooo good to Momma at Evergreen! Thank you...ALL of you!!!
 Her friends came to her room and sang happy birthday!! ♥
They made her Mac-n-cheese, as she requested...
(she told me she'd asked for homemade, not Kraft...they made it!)
and yes, photos are in chronological order...
she ate dessert first and lunch last!!! :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 348...Back To Work...Again!!!

Day 348
A man's work on his vehicle restoration is never done...
I do believe this is true!
I can't tell you how many times I've heard "it's done!"
Hmmm, I think it must kind of be like my desire for photography equipment.
When you think you've got what you want and need....
NOPE, there's always more "good stuff" to purchase!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 347...Cat Napping

Day 347
I know how this kitty feels...
The same, exact way I feel, when I fall asleep
all snug and warm in my recliner! 
I'm all caught up on blogging now so 
I think I'll go have a cat nap too! :)
 Maybe she partied too much last night for New Years?
I wouldn't know 'cause I was fast asleep!