Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 361...Do You See?

Day 361
Do you see what I see?
I'm weird that way, I suppose.
I always see shapes in things.
Like the wood grain on doors,
tile floors, clouds, shadows, anything really!
These are a couple of photos from my neighbors wood pile!
I'll tell you what I see...do you see it too?!
 I see the letter g...I see the profile of a lions head...I see a boot!

In this one I see a hand, I see two hands (one on top of the other,) 
No, I actually see three hands!
I see sad eyes.
I see a witch, arm stretched out casting a spell! 

What do you think?


  1. I found a smiley face in one of mine last year!
    Lovin your new lens??

    1. I remember your smiley face!!! Yes, love the lens! I'm thinking it's may be a little sharper than my 24-70.

  2. Every time I look at the second pic here, I see hands holding a heart. I think of God always taking care of me and holding my heart in his hands and giving me peace, comfort, and mercy.
