Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 41... Home Sweet Home?

Day 41
I love really old homes.
Even ones is such a sad state of deterioration. I always feel drawn to them....
Like they're beckoning to me..
I wish I knew the history of this old  house...One thing I do know, it's not a very inviting place. In fact, it reminds me of the "mean old neighbor lady" that chases little children out of her yard.
But I still like it!
I'm sure it was a beautiful home in it's day.
I didn't see one single "No Trespassing" sign so there was no hesitation on my part to climb on over the chain draped across the drive entrance. A No Trespassing sign probably isn't needed much around this place, in my opinion anyway. Just driving past the house you can feel the staring eyes of long ago peering out the windows at  passers matter which way you look at it, I feel a sense of "I dare you to come closer."
Although I climbed over the chain I went no closer than my viewpoint in this photo.
Shortly after moving up North, while taking an evening walk, my husband and I did walk all around the house...I truly felt as if I was being watched...I've not been back on the property until today.
From what I hear, the house is supposedly going to be renovated but in the six years I've lived here, I've not seen any signs of it.
Stranger yet is through the Christmas season, whoever the owner is, they always put up a lit Christmas tree in one of the front windows...can you say EERIE...a 100 year old (I'd guess),vacant, abandoned, house with a lit Christmas tree in the window..a broken out window, at that!
Screams eerie if you ask me!
But, as strange as the lit Christmas tree is,  I think it's just as much the tree outside the house that gives the old place it's haunted feel!
I LOVE this big, old, gnarly tree!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 40...Dogs Get Lazy Too :)

Day 40

A good portion of my day today was spent catching up on my blog posts. I always manage to take a photo of something but the posting has become somewhat more challenging. I knew it would be if I let it go a day or two...That's just me...let something go and it's so hard to get back to it...I'm sure it's  not just me, probably most people would feel the same...My story (and I'm stickin' to it) is I've just been so unbelievably tired ever since I was sick. And with a day like today, I sure could've napped the day away. The house was quiet, rain falling outside, nice music playing ...for me, all these equal a lazy feeling day. AND I had the house all to myself (no baby "do-da" here with me today.) But, I didn't give in to the lazy feeling! There was enough blogging, housework and taxes to keep me busy for the entire day. And it was all calling out to done...
(housework and blogging, done!!! Taxes? Well, they're started! 
Earlier in the day my little, scruffy Daisy dog came to find me and was begging to go outside. When I got to the door to let her out I realized that Meadow, our Lab, was not right behind her as usual and was nowhere to be seen. I looked in the usual big dog...hmmm, where could she be? I'd looked the house through...OK, time to look again! This time I didn't just peek around the living room doorway but walked all the way into the living room....and looky what I found...
mind you, this is not allowed and she knows it!
I'm guessing the lazy, rainy day was just too much for her and she couldn't resist such a comfy spot to enjoy her nap ...all the while listening to XM radio...
What a life!! Notice how she's not looking me in the eye? That's the guilt! I'm sure she was confused as to why I let her stay there a couple of extra minutes before ordering her down.
She just had no idea how cute she looked laying there on the sofa with guilt written all over her sweet face. I'm such a sucker for my four legged babies!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 39...Nascar, History Made...:)

Day 38

 I guess it's obvious that these photos were not taken before 7:00 pm, nor are they very well, right? Can I get away with saying I was really tired this evening?
There went that "7 pm" personal challenge right out the window...I'm doing better though!
After once again having a fun day with two of my grandbabies, cooking supper and cleaning up, it was time to relax. My husband sat down in his recliner, turned the TV on and saw that the Daytona 500 was FINALLY about to start! I didn't realize that this was the first time in Nascar history that this particular race was totally rained out on it's planned day and rescheduled for the next day...Well, there ended up being more than a rain delay, to say the least...Fire on the track occurred, a BIG FIRE! So that was another two hour delay for clean up and the race actually went into the wee hours of Tuesday morning, Eastern time...
I can't believe I stayed up till it was over but I'd picked my camera up much earlier in the race to see how well I could photograph a TV scene...(I was desperate for a photo and after all, the announcers said it was Nascar history being made) and then when the fire happened, well I was hooked in for the rest of the race...Maybe I wasn't as tired as I thought I was....:)
So, here are some of my attempts at photographing the TV...and it's not that easy :/
More evidence that I have A LOT to learn...
That's OK...that's what I'm doing this for!!!

 I know the top 2 names in this photo taken before the big fiery crash and two hour delay do reflect the top two winners in the end...not sure of #3 but I think it's correct...I really was tired by the end!

 Commercial time!

Aerial view of the big explosion crash site!

And here's my "help me" photo going out to all my photographer friends who may be reading my blog...90% of my "photographing the TV" photos came out like this one below with a dark band through the photo...What did I do? Ah ha, Maybe this is a question for my lighting class?!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 38...Mirror, Mirror, Do You See Angels?

Day 38

Today I got to spend some real quantity and quality time with my middle daughter, Roxanna! I love it when I get these opportunities ... It's always special...:)
It's so nice to have that kind of time with each of your children, separately.
I really love when we're all together as a family. It's always one big chaotic day of family fun!!! But being "all together" at our house means AT LEAST 8 adult children, 2 or 3 grandbabies and probably an extra dog (or two) on top of our own animal population. The furs flyin', as my husband says, the house becomes a doggy romper room. Throw in some adult sisterly bickering between my girls, lots of laughter, overflowing tables of food, OH, and one of them always brings their laundry too (laundry room is located in my kitchen area)...:) 
Getting the picture yet? Chaos, total CHAOS
 No doubt it's a wonderful kind of chaos and my husband and I love it when all of our kids can be here with us together, AT THE SAME TIME...That is a major feat in itself!
 With people everywhere, little ones playing and dogs running wildly, there's always tons of fun at our house! We wouldn't trade it for the world....BUT...  
generally, there's no time to spend with each child, one on one, at a family get together.. 
Quality, individual time together is really something to treasure when you're kids become adults. Today, I got to have some of that!
Part of our day included a stop at Belvoir Winery.
We didn't stay long but she really enjoyed the visit ... and a glass of wine too!
Not sure why I didn't capture a photo of us having our glass of wine...
OH, that would be because I had that glass of wine in my hand, not my camera.... :)
These photos may not be some of my best photography,
but they're now forever recorded as some of my best memories!
Another simple day proves that the simple moments in life are usually the best!! 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 37 ... My Misc. Day :)

Day 37
My Saturday afternoon was eventful and fun... Hangin' out with this handsome guy (Fred's his name by the way)...what more could a girl ask for? I'm sure he's going to play an important role in my life for the next few weeks...:) He's got some lessons in lighting stored up for me and my classmates!  I can already tell that I'll learn a lot! It's really interesting and fun too!....And what a cutie I had staring at me while I tried to find Fred's best can't take any credit for her but she's definitely a little beauty!

Next Saturday Fred promised to take me shopping at a few of the shops around Parkville. I really want to check out Finders Keepers! It's clever name caught my eye and the window display was calling out for me to come in and visit a time today though.

To top my day off in some delicious fast food style I stopped to pick up my husbands favorite addiction...He swears they must put crack in their the man's having a Popeyes meltdown, only a "fix" can see him through!

I have to say that I's some pretty good stuff!!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 36...On the Way to Somewhere

Day 36
Friday, February 24, 2012 and I'm off work early. I made my way to pick up lunch for myself and my mom and after leaving the nursing home I was really excited to have some time just to head out and find something to shoot, something OUTSIDE the house! It's always what I think about when I'm on my daily drives to and from Liberty and Olathe, inside at work, or inside at home. But then, when I have a little spare time to be out and about on my own, I don't have a clue where I want to go...I find that I'm still at a loss, looking, scouting, but with no real plan in mind. Once again, aimlessly wandering but this time it's behind the wheel of the car and not in jammies (thank God)...And the wind is about to blow me over too! Not the best conditions to be outside shooting when I can hardly stand up!  BUT... I am a determined free woman for the afternoon...
I will not give up!
No sooner did I pull off the side street by the nursing home than I saw the church. Every day on my way to or from visiting my mom I see this steeple rising high into the sky. Even from a good distance away it's impressive and the sight of it always makes me feel good...I've decided that I really love steeples. Every time I see one, I always want to get a picture but most always, I don't.
I think I will start as of now!!!

My second and last stop for the day was at a local park...As I left the church and began to at least head in a somewhat Northerly direction (home) I thought of the park and knew it was near by. It's such a beautiful park so I decided it was my destination, planned or not! As I drove in the entrance I wondered to myself what I would find. I took one of the first turns up a hill and found a parking lot with a shelter...I thought "well, nothing interesting here" but got out of my car to walk a little and let the wind beat me up some more...why not! After a few minutes and walking several yards away from my car I decided that I really didn't feel all that safe...Strange how that happens...I was fine, then all the sudden the size and emptiness of the park just seemed to literally surround me. I felt quite small and vulnerable out there alone. As I headed back to my car I did stop briefly, took the shot below and thought how busy, filled with fun, family, food and laughter this picnic area would soon be (there's a large shelter just out of shot.) I knew it wouldn't be a lonely, empty place for long.
The trails will soon be busy with walkers and joggers at all hours of the day...It just made me a little sad that such a peaceful, quiet moment I had to enjoy could bring about nervousness at being alone...a sign of the times, I suppose...maybe I was being silly...
or maybe I was being very smart...I'm not sure.

As I was driving away I stopped briefly and also caught this shot just before leaving the park...such a pretty little view! I will go back when the weather warms up and maybe take my husband too...Then I won't be scared...:)  Silly me

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 35...I Feel Lucky

Day 35
On my way home from work today it only took hearing one song on the radio and I knew what my photo of the day would be about!!!
Horoscopes! The stars!
What's your sign? 
Actually, I really don't read my horoscope very often at all and when I do, it's just for fun. Not because I don't believe in astrology, just not the horoscopes in newspapers and magazines. I do believe an in depth, professional astrological reading can be very enlightening! But, more importantly to me, I believe what we choose ("choose" being the key word) to do in our daily life affects any "set plan" there may be whether you believe it's through the stars or a plan from God (I believe they're intertwined.) After all, God created the Universe, He made the stars and even the Wise men (Astrologers/Astronomers) followed the stars... but God also gave us free will and choices...We certainly should choose wisely in our daily life and not take advice from a silly newspaper (my opinion) ...But, I have to say there sure is some entertainment value in reading those little paragraphs, sometimes they're downright hilarious or just plain stupid...but fun!
 I know I've certainly had many a laugh and occasionally a "wow" moment when I've read mine.
Maybe you have too.... :)
 I had a 4 Star Day!!! How about you?!

One of my many books...:)

Last, but not least, the song that helped me out with my photo of the day challenge today...I hope you enjoy ALWAYS makes me smile and I ALWAYS sing along!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 34...Challenge=Snacks...:/

Day 34 

...just go back a few blog posts and there you have it...Me, The Wanderer.
Once again, clad in pj's and slippers with camera slung over my shoulder I began the hunt.
This time as I wandered...I wondered..."maybe I can incorporate another challenge into this one...I will capture a photo before ? o'clock pm everyday!"
Sounds like a good idea to me...
I think I'll start tomorrow! :) I'm officially choosing
7 pm as my cut off time for photos. (at least till the time changes) 
Any takers on how long that'll last?...Now don't laugh too hard at me... :)
Tonight though, I didn't wander far...
I was stopped cold in my tracks and held up by a Fuji Apple,
the best apples ever!!!
I ALWAYS end up snacking when I'm on a late night hunt for my daily photo.
 But an apple's OK, you say? Yes, I know that apple looks all innocent and healthy, right?
Well, don't be screamed at me to go get the caramel dip out of the fridge...:)
The camera just got laid aside...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 33...Turn Around

Day 33
What a nice day today! The entire day was fun! My husband wanted to go out for dinner and my precious grandbaby was in an awesome mood all day...Pretty darn good day...:)
After dinner we went on the pursuit of my photo of the day...(wow, it's 10:32 now and I'm posting, not looking for something to shoot!)
It's amazing what you see when you're just out driving around and really have your eyes peeled for a potential shot..."Wow", I thought..."this is a pretty good shot of the Speedway...I'll catch a few shots and we can head back home" I began snapping away, walking up and down the sidewalk, catching a couple of different angles, checking my settings, etc...
For the most part, I was happy with what I shot (I had a photo, that made me happy) and by this time we'd walked around for 10 minutes or so outside, the sun was setting and it was getting chilly.
We decided it was time to head home...
And most importantly, I had that photo for the day!
Then, as we turned to head back to the car, right in front me, just yards away was this scene! Lesson for me...TURN AROUND!!! LOOK AROUND!!! There's always more to see than what we first realize... Always something "extra special" when we just "tune in" to our surroundings...:)..Not that anythings wrong with my Speedway photo but all I had to do was turn around to see that Nature had also provided me with an amazing photo of the day!
Another happy moment in my day! I am blessed!
It doesn't really take much to make me happy...the simple things do it for me...:)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 32...A Request for Teeth

Day 32
A couple of days ago I had a request...Aunt Mallory wanted to see the teeth!
I was amused but afterall, she lives out of town and doesn't get to see all the little things...
I thought it was a sweet request and obviously an easy one to deliver, right?...
N. O. T.
Oh my goodness, maybe, just maybe, if it happens by chance, and you catch your special little someones "toofeys" in a photo, know that you did GOOD! Believe me, it's one of those things if you try to catch the shot on demand, it's nearly impossible...
BUT... GiGi came through for Auntie Mallory...:)
After several attempts and many blurry photos of my moving target eating lunch...
I got one!!!

"Aunt Mallory, seriously? Look quick, I don't do this for just anyone, ya know!"

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 31...#1 Mickey Birthday!

Day 31
It always amazes me at the interest, real interest, that babies have for certain things at such an early age. Sometimes it's music, TV, a book, a specific toy... but whatever it may be for each individual baby, their interest is very real!  It's so cute to watch their little personalities form and see them develop their own likes and dislikes.
From food preferences to entertainment, one thing is certain...
they definitely have preferences at a young age!!!
Jax has pretty much loved Mickey since he was old enough to notice the TV.
He hears that music, turns and stares at the TV no matter what he's doing!
Mommy and Daddy did an awesome job of giving him a 1st birthday party that any little Mickey lovin' one year old would love! :)

Happy 1st Birthday, Jax....GiGi loves you!

Look what Mommy made!!! YUUUMMY :)

♪ M. I. C. K. E. Y.    MOUSE ♪

 "Hey, Mommy...what's goin' on here?"

 Proud Daddy and Mommy... :)

 "Oh Yeah, PRESENTS!"

 "Hurry Mom!"

"Gram, I've been wantin' this book ever since it came out!"

 "Mickey, you're so cute I could just eat you up!"

 a swimming pool "hunk" just waitin' to happen :)

 "OK, here goes...."

 "So....I'm really not goin' to get in trouble for this mess?"


Cake, Balloons, Gifts and One Adorable Birthday Boy!
That's All Folks!
(oops, that's Porky Pig's line...:)... oh well) 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 30...An Unexpected "A"

Day 30

Oh dear...another challenge...I can't stand it...I'm like a kid who doesn't want to miss out on the fun! It's driving me crazy to not participate but I don't think I can fit anymore aimless wandering into my
The latest challenge going around the Northland Photography Club FB group page is A-Z (anything that looks like the letter of the day/week is applicable...even an activity that represents a word that starts with the given letter is acceptable)...easy enough, right? 
I just don't know. If I start, what if I fail...I can't even handle the thought of it...:)
So what better way to participate than CHEAT!!! (just kind of)
I'm going to try and incorporate the
A-Z challenge with my 365 day challenge ...Good idea, huh??? I thought so! Maybe it'll even cut down on my wandering because on some days I'll have a letter subject to focus on!!! Maybe I'm not really cheating at all, right?
Well, I think I've just made a decision that could possible make this easier on me....
we shall see!... :)

My unexpected "A"
I guess it was fate to participate when I randomly spotted this bridge today!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 29...Nail Bling!

Day 29

So, we've all seen a lot of nail art here and there...(well, we girls have anyway) but personally, I know of only of one salon where the nails (hands or feet) are original creations, designed, polished and accessorized all by hand! No airbrushing, decals etc...The girls got talent and the talent belongs to Laurie Herrin...manicurist at Wave Review Salon in Overland Park! 
Sandy, her good natured client let me invade their space (hands) with my camera and I managed to catch a moment of the artist at work!

 Steady hands!

Plenty of choices...bag one of two!!! This photo really doesn't do justice though...
 12" wide bag and at least 8" deep!!! FULL!!
Even Mary Poppins would be jealous of this bag of goodies
(if she were a nail technician, that is)

The art in polishing!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 28...Will It Go Round In Circles

Day 28
Like a kid with a new toy....I played!
A lesson in Photoshop today along with photography! ... and I sure had fun with it!
Thanks, Norine for sharing!

So, what do you think my circles really are?


 More Fun!!

The beginning of my circle fun!!!
(taken a couple of days prior to the circles above)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 27...The Wanderer

Day 27
Going back to work this week was a little more tiring than I'd expected...After finally going to the doctor, finding out that yes, I did have Bronchitis (I knew it, once you've had it, you know...ugh) and being on antibiotics for a couple of days, I thought I'd feel better...Well, the sad news is...I guess I'm getting old 'cause being sick kicked my booty this time! Sooo, Wednesday evening came, home from work late, watched some favorite TV shows and then ... the wandering began...oh how I hate aimlessly wandering through my house looking for something to photograph...Why oh why do I wait and do this to myself? I can't totally blame being sick (you know I do this regularly) looking back on my photos of that night, I did have to laugh at my wanderings...just get the visual, in pj's, robe and slippers on, camera slung over my shoulder, shuffling through my house and garage looking for a subject...and. here. they. are! Don't let your excitement overwhelm you!...:)

Why not chronicle the wandering, right? (thanks Dorothy) :)
10:32 pm

 Let's start in the garage
The pepper plant that Mark attempted to save through the didn't completely die but sure looks like it needs to be put out of it's

 The bread 'n' butter of my household!

 Back up from the garage to the kitchen...maybe the fortune cookies will tell me what to shoot!

This is kinda cool....just look how packaging has changed through the years!

 Maybe those fortune cookies did lead me in the right direction...Straight to the milk and Oreos!!!

40 minutes later and it's time to lay the old tired bones down (as my momma always says)
I'm done for the night!!!