Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 31...#1 Mickey Birthday!

Day 31
It always amazes me at the interest, real interest, that babies have for certain things at such an early age. Sometimes it's music, TV, a book, a specific toy... but whatever it may be for each individual baby, their interest is very real!  It's so cute to watch their little personalities form and see them develop their own likes and dislikes.
From food preferences to entertainment, one thing is certain...
they definitely have preferences at a young age!!!
Jax has pretty much loved Mickey since he was old enough to notice the TV.
He hears that music, turns and stares at the TV no matter what he's doing!
Mommy and Daddy did an awesome job of giving him a 1st birthday party that any little Mickey lovin' one year old would love! :)

Happy 1st Birthday, Jax....GiGi loves you!

Look what Mommy made!!! YUUUMMY :)

♪ M. I. C. K. E. Y.    MOUSE ♪

 "Hey, Mommy...what's goin' on here?"

 Proud Daddy and Mommy... :)

 "Oh Yeah, PRESENTS!"

 "Hurry Mom!"

"Gram, I've been wantin' this book ever since it came out!"

 "Mickey, you're so cute I could just eat you up!"

 a swimming pool "hunk" just waitin' to happen :)

 "OK, here goes...."

 "So....I'm really not goin' to get in trouble for this mess?"


Cake, Balloons, Gifts and One Adorable Birthday Boy!
That's All Folks!
(oops, that's Porky Pig's line...:)... oh well) 


  1. OMG! Too adorable! Happy Birthday Jax!

  2. Looks like he had a wonderful birthday. You got some really good shots!
