Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 13...The Thinking Chair

 Day 13
Well, here's our family "Thinking Chair"...I assume it came by it's name in a pretty self-explanatory way although I don't really know...This chair has belonged to my husband for years. Long before we were married. As I was sitting in the "thinking chair" (thinking of course,) wondering what to shoot at such a late hour (after 11pm and not a photo taken yet,) I decided on a flower arrangement sitting on the hearth of the fireplace...Nice and easy I thought, let's get this over with for today ( don't ya just love my enthusiasm and it's only day 13)..Well, those pretty flowers were a great idea until it came time to get up off the dang floor...Hardwood floors, my knees and my ankle just don't go well together...So as much as I hate to admit it I turned around to grab onto a dining room chair for a little assistance and there  in front of me was "The Chair"... just waiting to be photographed!
Many thoughts have crossed many minds in this chair, I'm sure. I know I've sat there more times than I could ever count lost in thought, reading, talking on the phone, etc...I can see why my husband has kept it! It's kind of strange really, but all kidding aside, everyone LOVES this chair. I think it has lots of stories to tell, it has history and I think that people can just feel that...:) It has a good vibe!
And right now I'm thinking it's time for me to go crawl into bed...Night all!

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