Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 20... Small Things

 Day 20

The best things in life smile when they see you drive up in your car.
The best things in life let you build towers just so they can knock them down.
The best things in life chew on the dog bone...then give it back to the dog.
They reach for you with little outstretched arms, cry when you tell them no
and look you straight in the eye as they do it again... :)

The best things in life want to watch a movie with you.
The best things in life want you to have lots of art on your fridge.
They want to read a book to YOU,  fix your hair "pretty"...
and then tell you that you look "a little weird."
The best things in life say they've been "praying and praying" to come back to your house. 

The best things in life respond to "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite" with...
"but if they do, smack 'em with your shoe" and then giggle...:)

The best things in life really are the "small things"
They are the mirror to our own past
and the key to our future.
The best things in life are God's reward for whatever we've done right!


  1. Love your poem and photos! You're fortunate to be be visited by the best "Small Things" so often! :-)

  2. Awesome Gayle! The best thing in life IS being a Grandma that is loved! :)
