Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 32...A Request for Teeth

Day 32
A couple of days ago I had a request...Aunt Mallory wanted to see the teeth!
I was amused but afterall, she lives out of town and doesn't get to see all the little things...
I thought it was a sweet request and obviously an easy one to deliver, right?...
N. O. T.
Oh my goodness, maybe, just maybe, if it happens by chance, and you catch your special little someones "toofeys" in a photo, know that you did GOOD! Believe me, it's one of those things if you try to catch the shot on demand, it's nearly impossible...
BUT... GiGi came through for Auntie Mallory...:)
After several attempts and many blurry photos of my moving target eating lunch...
I got one!!!

"Aunt Mallory, seriously? Look quick, I don't do this for just anyone, ya know!"