Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 36...On the Way to Somewhere

Day 36
Friday, February 24, 2012 and I'm off work early. I made my way to pick up lunch for myself and my mom and after leaving the nursing home I was really excited to have some time just to head out and find something to shoot, something OUTSIDE the house! It's always what I think about when I'm on my daily drives to and from Liberty and Olathe, inside at work, or inside at home. But then, when I have a little spare time to be out and about on my own, I don't have a clue where I want to go...I find that I'm still at a loss, looking, scouting, but with no real plan in mind. Once again, aimlessly wandering but this time it's behind the wheel of the car and not in jammies (thank God)...And the wind is about to blow me over too! Not the best conditions to be outside shooting when I can hardly stand up!  BUT... I am a determined free woman for the afternoon...
I will not give up!
No sooner did I pull off the side street by the nursing home than I saw the church. Every day on my way to or from visiting my mom I see this steeple rising high into the sky. Even from a good distance away it's impressive and the sight of it always makes me feel good...I've decided that I really love steeples. Every time I see one, I always want to get a picture but most always, I don't.
I think I will start as of now!!!

My second and last stop for the day was at a local park...As I left the church and began to at least head in a somewhat Northerly direction (home) I thought of the park and knew it was near by. It's such a beautiful park so I decided it was my destination, planned or not! As I drove in the entrance I wondered to myself what I would find. I took one of the first turns up a hill and found a parking lot with a shelter...I thought "well, nothing interesting here" but got out of my car to walk a little and let the wind beat me up some more...why not! After a few minutes and walking several yards away from my car I decided that I really didn't feel all that safe...Strange how that happens...I was fine, then all the sudden the size and emptiness of the park just seemed to literally surround me. I felt quite small and vulnerable out there alone. As I headed back to my car I did stop briefly, took the shot below and thought how busy, filled with fun, family, food and laughter this picnic area would soon be (there's a large shelter just out of shot.) I knew it wouldn't be a lonely, empty place for long.
The trails will soon be busy with walkers and joggers at all hours of the day...It just made me a little sad that such a peaceful, quiet moment I had to enjoy could bring about nervousness at being alone...a sign of the times, I suppose...maybe I was being silly...
or maybe I was being very smart...I'm not sure.

As I was driving away I stopped briefly and also caught this shot just before leaving the park...such a pretty little view! I will go back when the weather warms up and maybe take my husband too...Then I won't be scared...:)  Silly me


  1. Perhaps your subconscious was trying to tell you something when you felt afraid. I've found that I should listen to those inner feelings. I'm sure you were ok, but then you never know.

  2. Always listen to those feelings of unease. There is ususually a reason. The photos of are nice. Have you noticed how many churchs do not have a real steeple these days? Steeples are a good thing to photograph.
