Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 15...My Rainy Day

Day 15
I woke this morning to the sound of thunder rolling and rain water flowing through the gutter...what  awesome sounds! Time to just roll over and go back to sleep, I thought, but one look at the clock told me otherwise. I did lay in bed an extra few minutes enjoying the sounds and thought how easily it could have been sleet pelting against my house! I must say, this is my kind of Winter!!! Pretty much though, my next thought was "well, nice...I'll be getting off work early (meaning while there's still light for outdoor shots) and now it's gloomy, rainy and HEAVY rain at that! Not anything I want to walk around in with my camera...:/ So, another day of "what to shoot for my daily photo?" After work, and on my way home from visiting my mom it was raining as hard as it had been all day...I was quickly starting to think that it might be the day to start photographing my other kitty cat or my dogs (which is always fun for me) and most importantly, they're INDOOR subjects, but I decided that I would give it one last try in finding an outdoor subject, rain or not, and started another drive into the country! This time I knew where I was!!! (lol) Once again I sort of made a circle around some country roads and was about to exit back onto the highway when I spotted this old barn! I was so excited!!! Silly maybe, but I was! I had to make a u-turn and go back to check it out. I LOVED the grasses growing and wondered what it looked like in it's day. I wondered how old it really is and how long had it been since it was actually used as a barn. I could barely see a faded shade of the red barn it was many years ago. It was sitting so close to the highway I felt it must've been abandoned when the highway went in. As I was sitting there in my car, window down, camera in hand with rain blowing in on me, the wind gusted just enough to raise what was left of the old tin roof on the barn..The noise startled me for a second before it settled back down again. I had to wonder just how much longer the old ramshackle barn would be standing. But you never know...just like aging people, old, tired and worn out, the buildings might be stronger than we think!
When I started this 365 day photo challenge my only thought was that picking up my camera every single day would force me to learn something about photography...Which it already has! But my thoughts were completely in line with the technical aspect of photography (shutter priority, aperture priority, lighting, composition, etc) hoping that I would become more knowledgeable and comfortable in all these areas...well, I'm sure I will as the year goes on. I am determined, if nothing else! I know I have years to learn and I look forward to all of it, I just want to feel some progress NOW to keep me motivated and chuggin' along! :)  There is the one thing I can say for sure that I've already learned. Almost ANYTHING has the potential to be a decent shot, indoors or out!
Ahhh, :) ... A lesson learned!

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