Day 75
(day 5 of "making do")
This morning as I was having coffee and chatting on the phone I was also enjoying the view out my front window of my newly planted Pansies...that is until a blasted squirrel hopped right into the middle of them and began to chow down on what he thought was his own personal salad bar!!! I've seen them many times in my bird feeders but this was the first time I'd seen one right on my porch in my flowers!!! Well, I wasn't about to let him get away with it, and since I'm a bad shot with my BB pistol (I figured it wasn't such a good idea to take out a neighbors window... or worse,)
it was time to try something else I'd heard about!
See that brownish dusting on the flowers and wrought iron?
That would be...
Cayenne Pepper!!!
I wasn't able to just sit and watch out my window all day, so I'm not sure if it will work but as of this evening I haven't yet seen the rodent back in the flowers! I've also tired of his friends and family helping themselves to ALL of the bird food so it has now officially been given the pepper treatment also. I did some research and read that it does seem to work against squirrels and the birds don't notice it but this evening I felt like I didn't see as many birds at the feeder as usual...hmmm
Hopefully this was his last meal at my feeder but I have my doubts! LOL
The blooms on that pretty mystery tree along my neighbors fence line are really past their peak now but I wanted to catch one more shot before they're completely gone...I still haven't found out for sure what this tree is...I'm sure my neighbor knows...
I just have to remember to ask!!! :)
Lovely photos Gayle!