Saturday, July 21, 2012


Day 183
Wow, I really can't believe I've made it half way through my 365 photo a day challenge!
With the exception of one single day, May 21, 2012, I've taken at least one photo a day and posted it under the date it was shot. Sooo, by the calendar, I am one day behind because I chose to number only the days I took a photo on.
Technically, yesterday was day 183 of my photo a day year
but, I missed that one, dang day... :/
Although I'm still having fun with this personal challenge, I do seem to have hit a "motivation snag" since the weather has been so terribly hot....It just seems that garden photos are getting pretty darn boring but as I said once before, I know it will be fun to look back at and remember just what went on that day!
I have an "album" of photos to post today!
It was a fun AND productive day!
This is my "I've made it half way" celebration post!!

this cute little guy was "people watching," helping his family out at city market...
I think his job surely must have been to "sit there, look cute, attract customers!"

 these girls were not only beautiful but amazingly talented!

tomato varieties

 now, this little guy was adorable as well but
working a bit harder for his stake in the family profits!!

 The Vietnamese market

Buddha Bellies!!!

"I think I need a gardening hat, Hon...which one do you like best?" :)

Renting a bike is now available throughout the downtown area!!!
Very cool idea!!!

Now for the Chinese Market!
 "Please DON'T take me home with you! I don't want to be your dinner!" :(

Brunch...Mark and Gayle style!!! YUM!

When winter comes, Mark always says the tomato juice is "the taste of summer in a jar!"

 DQ to top off my day!!


  1. Some great photos from a day at City Market.

    1. Thank you, Susan! I always appreciate your comments! Just knowing that someone is out there looking through my posts keeps me going! I appreciate it! At first it was just a "oh I think I'll do this 365 day photo challenge idea", it really has become a true goal to complete...I really want to finish! If I can make it through the second half and only miss out on one day, I will be very happy!

  2. You have some very good photos here. What a way to celebrate your halfway point!

    1. Thank you, Norine! I'm complimented that you take your time to look...I appreciate it so much!
