Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 184...A HOT, Summer Sunday

Day 184
Another normal Sunday at the Kane house.
Laundry is done, ironing is done and naps are taken.
Today was no different.
Except in the morning there's usually coffee drinking and newspaper reading on the porch.
Not today. It was already too hot by the time we got up for that...And we get up early!!!
After dinner, (which was a really lame chicken casserole, by the 
I took a drive to see if I could find any crazy people 
out in the blazing heat at the park near my home...
Honestly, I was hoping for that barren, deserted park scene to shoot,
then I would write something about the heat, no one being at the parks, etc...but not so!
I found a mom and dad sitting in their air conditioned truck while their three kids played.
Can't say that I blame the mom and dad for their choice of seating!!!
I thought I might look funny myself out on a 100+ day, 
with a camera in hand, so I moved on.
Sprinkler park here in Liberty was my next destination...
Now...I think I may have driven into the craziest part of town ever!!!
An adult ballgame was being played on the field there, people and cars were EVERYWHERE 
and either a small family reunion or
a super large family picnic was going on too...
I couldn't believe all those people were really OK to be out in the heat like that...
but I figured it was probably a planned event...
so what else to do but go ahead with the plan!!!
Once again, I drove on not wanting to be the "stranger with a camera" 
lurking about at someone else's family gathering!!
By this time I've only been gone from my house for maybe 15 minutes but the frustration is setting in at not having a photo for my day and my "park scene" idea had been foiled by all these people who were either crazy... or not as wimpy as me!
I drove on wondering where to go and ended up at the cemetery. 
I always find them peaceful and I always sit, say a little prayer and then take a walk.
Today it was not much of a walk...I parked the car and got out next to the statue!!!

This statue was erected in 1904 in honor of  200+  
Clay county, Confederate soldiers who lost their lives in the Civil War.

Heading home I drove through the park by my house again and now found it empty...
like I'd originally thought it would be...
Mom, Dad and kids obviously didn't stay for long.
Looking at this lonely, dry photo of a playground, I can just feel the heat of the day. 
No children willing to stay and play for long...No picnics and family fun going on here...
those will be plans for another day

...guess I got to write that after all... :)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe they will stay longer in the fall! Nice photos!
