Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day 108...Fly Little Bird, Please

Day 108

This morning, just after waking up, I looked out the bedroom window 
and saw that Mark was outside preparing to till.
As I was making the bed I heard a thud against the bedroom window and thought Mark was being silly, thinking I was still asleep and threw something up at the window...
(I should've known better though, he wouldn't risk breaking a window) 
I opened the window and he looked up at me and said "did you hear that?"
Which I had, of course.
I looked down to the ground and saw the poor little bird that had just flown into our window lying on the ground below with it's little wings fluttering...:(
Does anyone know for sure what this little one is?
I know it's not a Sparrow.
I think it may be a Thrush of some kind, but not positive.

 Poor little thing's heart was racing so fast.

 We were afraid for a few minutes that it wasn't going to make it.

 Mark was about to touch it as it was sitting on the table and it climbed right onto his finger!

Shortly after I took this last shot, he sat it back onto the table,
it stayed there for a few more minutes and when he went to touch it again, it flew away!!!!
We were both so happy to see the poor little thing fly!


  1. It looks like a wren, Gayle. I'm glad there's a happy ending!

  2. I hate when that happens, our windows are large and birds fly into them alot. So happy he is ok! Great shots!
