Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 126...Delicious and Beautiful!

Day 126
Busy, busy day! When I got home from work Mark asked where I wanted to eat and I just said... "I don't care, you pick" I was too tired to really care although the only thing I'd thought of that day was Corner Cafe! A gal I work with and I had been talking about it earlier in the day and from then on, that's all I thought of for dinner...why I didn't just say I'd like to go to Corner Cafe, I don't know...but I sure was happy when Mark turned the corner and I realized that's exactly where he was going!!! He'd definitely read my mind!
We tend to do that ALL THE TIME!!

The sky was so gorgeous a couple of hours after I took the photo above..
two nice ways to end my day, good food and a beautiful sunset

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