Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 114...Siblings, Weeds and Bumble Bees!

Day 114
There are no words that can truly express a mom's pride in her children when you see they've become self-sufficient, independent and successful adults...You've watched them struggle, cling to their dreams and feel their frustrations and pain as they work so hard to achieve their goals......
 and then they get there...THEY DO IT!!
(and they give you beautiful grandchildren too)...:)
I'm so proud of you Michael...I guess I did something right because God gave you to me!

(: ...Michael and his wife, my daughter-in-law, Margo!... :)

Roxanna, Michael and Kaley
Three of my fabulous kids!!!

My fabulous baby girl, Abby(L), Jacob and Mackenzie
Abby had to be at a High School grad party that was being thrown at a friends house. She was one of three guests of honor (the three have been friends since kindergarten and decided to have a combined party for all their friends)'s so hard when there are conflicts on important dates and both of these occasions had been set before anyone realized they were on the same day...:(
Mark and I sped away right after graduation to catch up with Abby and her special day!

weeds to some, wildflowers to another...either way, I love them...
walking to the car after the graduation ceremony...I had to get a shot of this too!

beautiful little walk to the Independence Events Center from the outermost parking lot

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Michael! Congratulations Mom!
    A job well done by both! Great shots and beautiful family Gayle <3
