Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 143...Morphing

Day 143
Have you ever thought about all the little things in nature that we take for granted and
 never really give a second thought to?...
But then you do!!!
My daily walk around the garden really brought a lot to my attention and made me think of things in a whole new way... I love to watch my flowers grow and can't wait for all the different varieties to bloom but I never really thought of the Metamorphosis 
that is taking place right under my nose...
It's really fascinating and pretty awesome when you think about it! 
This evening I had some fun just catching a couple of shots of the "morphing"
going on right here in my own back yard!!!
 Coneflower, almost complete!

 To be, or not to be...a tomato, that is!

from red (or shall we say "green") berries, to yummy Blackberries!


  1. It's not just plants. I'm morphing too! :)

    1. Norine,
      Me too! I'm definitely "a work in progress"... I can only hope I'm morphing in the right direction!!! :)
