Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 45...Ignorance is Bliss

Day 45

Do you think they know they're roaming on nothing more than
a postage stamp of what used to be the country?
 I don't. At least, I hope not.
No farmhouse I know of looks like these nor
sits in cookie cutter multiples!
If their parents and grandparents could talk to them,
it would be the same stories as humans tell...
things just aren't the way they used to be back in the "good old days."
Their ignorance is their bliss.

I wonder how many of these beautiful Sycamores were lost in
developing the shopping area you see in the background?
I find myself thinking these thoughts more and more as I grow older.
I remember when I was little and my dad would say "let's take a drive in the country."
We're hard pressed  to find "the country" now with one city sprawling into the next.
Like everyone else, a busy life keeps me from thinking about it too much.
But when I do,
it makes me sad, really sad.


  1. I saw an interesting statistic today that the total wilderness area in Africa is 28%. In the United States it's 38%. I guess they're doing even a worse job than us of preserving areas.

    1. wow, I would've NEVER guessed that! I wonder what portion of the 38% is protected National/State sure seems a nice drive to the "country" is getting harder to come by without being in a park or conservation area.
