Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 53...Lookin' Good In Blk & Wht

Day 53
After introducing three out of four Kane household pets...
Well, it just wasn't fair to leave out the last one any longer.
Meet Michi (me-chee)

She is the stereotypical, aloof feline.
If I could read her mind, I'm sure it would go something like this....
"I will sit in this chair (or anywhere else) if I want and I will look pretty while doing so. I will not sit on your lap but I will let you pick me up if you must. Although, I only tolerate it because you feed me. I do meow pathetically at you only because I know I have the power to get your attention. I just hate it when you turn the dryer on. It scares me. That's why I like you to pick me up, place me on the dryer and pet me while I eat! I have you trained! And Oh, by the way, you will never be forgiven for bringing that Orange Cat into my home. I was here first and she was not needed! Just so you know, She is the one who's responsible for the hairballs.....NOT ME!"

My name is Michi and I AM the Queen "B"
Did I give you permission to photograph me?

 Oh never mind, it's you! The one who buys my food.... go ahead...(cat sigh)

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