Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 67...Progress, Question, Anticipation

Day 67

Other than the obvious pleasure of such mild Winter weather,
I've noticed some other benefits too!
I do believe the Vinca that I've been nurturing for
the last couple of years has tripled in coverage!!!
It has such a sweet little flower
with lush green leaves and isn't invasive at all.
Grows great anywhere you put it!  Shade for sure!
Just takes some time to get established!
Sweet Vinca

I'm not sure what this beautiful tree is.
Every year I mean to ask my neighbor and keep forgetting :/
Can anyone tell me? Unlike most flowering ornamental trees,
this one leafs out first, then blooms.
I love this tree! I'm glad it grows right on our fence line...It's as good as my own! :)
But, what's your name?

 Mild Winter. Just one more reason to get the feeders ready a bit early. I'm not sure (just assuming) but think the Hummers might fly back in a couple of weeks earlier than usual so I decided to be ready!  Feeders should be out by the middle of April to attract them to your yard so a couple of weeks head start can't hurt!
I'll report back later if it was a good idea!

Calling all Hummingbirds...I'm ready for YOU! :)

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos! I wish I knew what kind of tree you have, but I don't..
