Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 58...On The Go

Day 58
Today was one of those busy, rushing, in a hurry kind of days.
Not a bad day, not at all.
It was a good day, just a little rushed.
 The kind of day where you feel like you didn't have time
to stop and smell the roses (or even eat.)
After I got home and we were on our way to dinner,
 I was really glad I was the passenger and had my camera in my lap.
I said to my husband that it was such a pretty sunset,
(not necessarily spectacular but I like when the rays shine down through the clouds)
...He said to me ....
Every sunset is beautiful, Hon.
A simple statement but he meant it sincerely and I realized how true it is.
Every sunrise and sunset has it's own special beauty when we take the time to notice.


  1. These photos of God's creation, nature, are so special! Just like humans, no two alike! Amazing! I'm waiting for your rainbow photo!
