Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 52...Minutes Before Midnight

Day 52
Catching up on posting is a CHORE!
OK, moving on from that...
I tackled the minutes from the March meeting of Northland Photography Club and
Wha-la...a photo!... Making this one a little extra easy on myself today. Why not!
Late, almost midnight, but I made it!

While typing the minutes and looking around my desk, I couldn't help but notice this little Christmas "leftover" peeking at me.
I found him one day last week while cleaning my desk off.
 Sooo, I decide to try some lighting class homework. :)
My classmates will appreciate this late night effort, I'm sure... :)
It's a little homework, right?
                       No Tissue

AND.....(drum roll.....)


                                                                                         Ta-Da...With Tissue