Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 61...Catch Lights? YES!!!

Day 61

Another rainy day kept me indoors, but that's OK.
 Look what I had to keep me company!
A chair climbin', Weeble eatin', dog bone chewer! :)
The days go by fast filled with activity....and lots of talking too!
Don't ask me what our conversations are about...:)
I. don't. have. a. clue.
We just talk!
Maybe it's, "Hey GiGi, whatcha doin'?"

Test child for safety...:)
A baby under the age of 3 will not choke on this Weeble!

"I think I'm gonna give up dog bones. They're such a nasty habit!"

 And then the house is quiet, so quiet.
Toys are all picked up and waiting for the next time!


  1. Aww...so sweet! Love those Grandbabies, and what a beautiful story your photos tell :)

  2. A grandmother's life is a thing of joy!
